
Got Mergers? Dairy Farm Bankruptcies Prompt Antitrust Probe

Got Mergers?  Dairy Farm Bankruptcies Prompt Antitrust Probe

Keeping dairy farms afloat has challenged the United States government over the last few decades, resulting in billions of dollars spent bailing out dairy farmers. In 2019, more than 2,700 family-run dairy farms shut down. Major dairy companies are now arguing that mergers are the only way to stay in business. However, the government does not seem too MOOved by this argument. In this post, staffer Mary Dallas discusses the reason for the government's pushback when it comes to dairy farm mergers and potential antitrust issues that could arise.

The SAFE Banking Act and its’ Importance for the Legal Cannabis Industry

The SAFE Banking Act and its’ Importance for the Legal Cannabis Industry

In the past, hemp farmers struggled to secure financial capital to run viable farms. However, the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill launched a series of federal legislation that aided farmers interested in the THC industry. The SAFE Banking Act is the newest piece of federal legislation that provides a safety net for banks to lawfully work with the hemp industry without being subject to the heightened regulatory scrutiny necessary to work with the marijuana sector. In this blog post, 2L staffer Vincent Kleindienst explores the impact of the SAFE Banking Act.

Another Sting to the Bee Population: EPA Approves New Pesticide that Poses a Severe Threat to Bees.

Another Sting to the Bee Population: EPA Approves New Pesticide that Poses a Severe Threat to Bees.

In this blog post, 3L staffer John Paul Hicks discusses the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authorization of pesticides containing the chemical sulfoxaflor and its impact on the bee population. Hicks highlights the sting the EPA’s recent decision will have on the bee population hurting struggling bee farmers even more.