Keeping Sacred Sites Sacred: Federal Agencies Role in Protecting Native American Land

Keeping Sacred Sites Sacred: Federal Agencies Role in Protecting Native American Land

Historically, the United States has not done the best job protecting Native American land. Currently, the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation is fighting in federal with the city of San Antonio over a sacred cemetery. In this post, Savannah Baker examines federal agencies’ role in keeping sacred sites sacred.

Another Sting to the Bee Population: EPA Approves New Pesticide that Poses a Severe Threat to Bees.

Another Sting to the Bee Population: EPA Approves New Pesticide that Poses a Severe Threat to Bees.

In this blog post, 3L staffer John Paul Hicks discusses the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authorization of pesticides containing the chemical sulfoxaflor and its impact on the bee population. Hicks highlights the sting the EPA’s recent decision will have on the bee population hurting struggling bee farmers even more.

Monsanto Faces Litigation Concerning New Dicamba Products

Monsanto Faces Litigation Concerning New Dicamba Products

When Monsanto introduced dicamba-resistant soybeans for the first time, 200 dicamba spraying complaints were lodged in Missouri, with a host of aggravation for farmers, businessmen, and scientists on both sides of the issues. In fact, —a dicamba dispute between two Arkansas farmers even led to one farmer’s death and a murder indictment for the other. Farmers from Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas have been deemed eligible to join a class-action lawsuit against Monsanto because of the alleged dicamba drift damage suffered byto their crops.

The Fallacy of Fossil Fuels: Why the United States Needs to Focus on Developing Renewable Energy Sources

The Fallacy of Fossil Fuels: Why the United States Needs to Focus on Developing Renewable Energy Sources

The use of bio fuels is one way to curb the perilous effects of global warming.  Ultimately, the United States, and countries throughout the world, should move away from the burning fossil fuels and instead manufacture vehicles and equipment that can run safely on biofuels, as well as, explore other renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.