VOLUME 15 2022-2023 ISSUE 1

15 Ky. J. Equine, Agric. & Nat. Res. L. 1 (2023).

 VOLUME 15 2022-2023 ISSUE 2

15 Ky. J. Equine, Agric. & Nat. Res. L. 2 (2023).

An Agricultural Plastic Crisis: How Federally Endorsed Biodegradable Plastics Could Liberate The Industry In The Eleventh Hour

Note By: Samantha Davenport

Making Sense of “Commence” in the Clean Water Act’s Diligent Prosecution Bar

Note By: Isa Harrison

50 Shades of Green: How Inconsistencies In State Regulatory Regimes Threaten To Doom the Legal Cannabis Market in the United States

Note By: Shawn Harkins

VOLUME 15 2022-2023 ISSUE 3

15 Ky. J. Equine, Agric. & Nat. Res. L. 3 (2023).