VOLUME 16 2023-2024 ISSUE 1
16 Ky. J. Equine, Agric. & Nat. Res. L. 1 (2024).
Article By: Alex G. Woodward, Esq.
In this Article, Alex G. Woodward addresses the growing, international threat of global warming. Woodward explains that current international climate law jurisprudence and treaties target countries themselves, rather than businesses and corporations, and lack sufficient enforcement mechanisms. Woodward argues for a “Treaty on Corporate Environmental Accountability” that imposes a dealer tax, mandates lowering emissions, and ensures enforcement. The proposed treaty asks the fossil fuel industry to take responsibility for the harms its caused — to reduce climate change and better humanity.
A Legislative Call-to-Action: Applying Capture Theory to Combat the Risk of Private Industry’s Excess Influence Over the FDA’s Regulation of Livestock Antibiotics
Note By: Nathaniel Richey
Jockeying for the Labor-Dispute Exemption: How the First Circuit Wrongly Exempted Independent Contractors from Antitrust Law, But Why Congress Should Expand the Exemption
Note By: Dylan Keefe
Let Kids Be Kids: Why the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 Desperately Needs a Revision
Note By: Cori Agnoni
Is the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Finally the Tipping Point for Criminal Liability when the Environmental and Natural Resources are Weaponized in Armed Conflict? An Analysis of the Karachun Dam Attack
Note By: Mary Jocelyn
Horsing Around With Protecting the Horse Industry: Should California Adopt an Equine Activity Liability Act?
Note By: Kara Legg
VOLUME 16 2023-2024 ISSUE 2
16 Ky. J. Equine, Agric. & Nat. Res. L. 2 (2024).
Ductus Exemplo: A Model Municipal Executive Order on Food Waste Reduction
Article By: Linda Breggin, Darby Hoover, and Jessica Sugarman
A Space Age Stuck in the Past: Should Cold War Treaties Dictate Modern Space Law?
Note By: Justin Potter
Managing Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals in Healthcare: A Perplexing Prescription
Note By: Garrison Rosser
Pollution Discrimination: The EPA’s Utilization of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to Bring Justice to Overburdened African American Communities
Note By: Lindsay Bates
Fowl Play and Lame Ducks: How a Three-Headed Circuit Split Confuses Century-Old Migratory Bird Protections
Note By: Omer Arain
Speaking for the States: A Response to the Proposal of Federalizing Subnational Forest Federalization
Note By: Joe White