
Bailing Out Big Oil: An Economic and Moral Dilemma

Bailing Out Big Oil: An Economic and Moral Dilemma

While low gas prices are usually looked at gratefully, COVID-19 has changed societal interactions and diminished the need for oil as quarantining mitigates the need to drive. However, as oil production continues around the world and is met with depleted demand, big oil companies are falling on hard times leading them to seek assistance in the form of a government bailout.

Got Mergers? Dairy Farm Bankruptcies Prompt Antitrust Probe

Got Mergers?  Dairy Farm Bankruptcies Prompt Antitrust Probe

Keeping dairy farms afloat has challenged the United States government over the last few decades, resulting in billions of dollars spent bailing out dairy farmers. In 2019, more than 2,700 family-run dairy farms shut down. Major dairy companies are now arguing that mergers are the only way to stay in business. However, the government does not seem too MOOved by this argument. In this post, staffer Mary Dallas discusses the reason for the government's pushback when it comes to dairy farm mergers and potential antitrust issues that could arise.