
One Health: The Collaborative Approach To Pandemic Prevention

One Health: The Collaborative Approach To Pandemic Prevention

Zoonotic diseases not only impact the health and safety of people across the world but wreak havoc on the global economy as well. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the One Health approach to eradicating animal-based diseases is gaining traction—that is, taking a collaborative health approach for people and animals to understand their shared environment and work toward eliminating the spread of infectious diseases.

Bailing Out Big Oil: An Economic and Moral Dilemma

Bailing Out Big Oil: An Economic and Moral Dilemma

While low gas prices are usually looked at gratefully, COVID-19 has changed societal interactions and diminished the need for oil as quarantining mitigates the need to drive. However, as oil production continues around the world and is met with depleted demand, big oil companies are falling on hard times leading them to seek assistance in the form of a government bailout.