
Smoked Out: How Overregulation Threatens Emerging (Legal) Marijuana Markets

Smoked Out: How Overregulation Threatens Emerging (Legal) Marijuana Markets

As certain states begin to legalize marijuana, many questions will arise especially in terms of regulations. 2L staffer, John Hayman III, analyzes how over-regulation of this industry actually undermines the goal of legalization by looking at black markets and organized crimes.

The Need for Automatic Expungement of Marijuana Convictions

The Need for Automatic Expungement of Marijuana Convictions

With the rise of decriminalization of marijuana, expungement of this conviction from an individual’s record has become a hot topic. It is important to realize that although expungement is not an automatic process, but a voluntary process that many do not know about. With more African Americans being arrested for this crime versus white individuals, it is time to sit down and truly explore this problem.

Legalizing Marijuana: A Solution to the Kentucky Pension Crisis

Legalizing Marijuana: A Solution to the Kentucky Pension Crisis

While the Kentucky pension crisis remains a focal point among the state government, crippling the state and putting workers at risk, staffer William Hutchins offers up a unique solution: legalizing marijuana. Read more to learn about how Kentucky has the climate, soil, and market that could generate some much-needed revenue.

The SAFE Banking Act and its’ Importance for the Legal Cannabis Industry

The SAFE Banking Act and its’ Importance for the Legal Cannabis Industry

In the past, hemp farmers struggled to secure financial capital to run viable farms. However, the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill launched a series of federal legislation that aided farmers interested in the THC industry. The SAFE Banking Act is the newest piece of federal legislation that provides a safety net for banks to lawfully work with the hemp industry without being subject to the heightened regulatory scrutiny necessary to work with the marijuana sector. In this blog post, 2L staffer Vincent Kleindienst explores the impact of the SAFE Banking Act.

Time for Serious Deliberation: Medical Marijuana and the Benefits on Kentucky’s Failing Pension System

Time for Serious Deliberation: Medical Marijuana and the Benefits on Kentucky’s Failing Pension System

Beyond the ongoing moral debate surrounding medical marijuana, Kentucky now faces a major financial crisis that is affecting the state’s pension system. Keeping the state's financial struggles in mind, it is time for Kentucky representatives to put aside their party preference and deliberate about the benefits legalizing medical marijuana will have on the economy.