
Addressing the Aging Farmer

Addressing the Aging Farmer

In the last thirty years, the average age of U.S. farmers has grown from 50.5 years to 58.3 years. Between 2007 and 2012, the number of farm operators fell by 90,000. America’s farmers are an economic asset in stimulating our rural economies and putting food on our tables. However, as American farmers retire, there is a concern that few emerging farmers will replace them.

Monsanto Faces Litigation Concerning New Dicamba Products

Monsanto Faces Litigation Concerning New Dicamba Products

When Monsanto introduced dicamba-resistant soybeans for the first time, 200 dicamba spraying complaints were lodged in Missouri, with a host of aggravation for farmers, businessmen, and scientists on both sides of the issues. In fact, —a dicamba dispute between two Arkansas farmers even led to one farmer’s death and a murder indictment for the other. Farmers from Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas have been deemed eligible to join a class-action lawsuit against Monsanto because of the alleged dicamba drift damage suffered byto their crops.

Agricultural Crisis: How Mass Deportations Hurt America

Agricultural Crisis: How Mass Deportations Hurt America

While some in Washington have rejected the idea of mass deportation, the President has continued to defer his decision for undocumented immigrants until after the border is secured. Should the President continue this trend of fulfilling campaign promises by implementing a mass-deportation styled immigration crackdown, it would surely spell disaster. One issue that should raise concerns across ideological-lines, is the impact that mass deportations would have on the domestic agricultural economy of the United States.

Clean Meats: Will Regulations Hinder the New Meats Market?

Clean Meats: Will Regulations Hinder the New Meats Market?

The human population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, and at that size, to meet demand, food production must increase by 70%. Many argue, without a sustainable meat alternative that meat consumption will outpace production, causing meat to become scarce instead of the commodity it is now.

A Balancing Test: Weighing the Importance of NAFTA to the American Economy

A Balancing Test: Weighing the Importance of NAFTA to the American Economy

Since President Donald Trump has been in office, one of his main objectives has been to reform the North American Free Trade Agreement. President Trump has labeled the agreement “the worst deal ever made in the history of the world.” Although there is no definite way of determining the future of NAFTA, there is fear that President

The Dismantling of Privacy in Agricultural Operations

The Dismantling of Privacy in Agricultural Operations

Utah’s Agricultural Operation Interference statute, or “ag-gag law” as it is often called, is intended to deter animal activists from being able to take videos of animal cruelty and abuse. Recently, a federal district judge in Utah struck down this law, agreeing with activist Plaintiffs that it violated their First Amendment right to free speech. This was the second time that a state’s Ag-Gag law has been held unconstitutional, thus creating a stronger precedent for other states to follow suit.

CRISPR: The Future of Agriculture Has Arrived, but Who Will Control It from Here

CRISPR: The Future of Agriculture Has Arrived, but Who Will Control It from Here

For those not well versed in science jargon, CRISPR-Cas is a genome-editing technology that allows the user to precisely cut out sections of DNA.  Not surprisingly, scientific technology is moving faster than the gears of the political process can turn.  The FDA and the USDA have realized that CRISPR is coming whether they are ready or not. But the agencies are going different directions on whether to regulate the organisms that undergo CRISPR alterations.

“The Silicon Prairie:” Modern Agricultural Equipment and the Right to Repair Movement

“The Silicon Prairie:” Modern Agricultural Equipment and the Right to Repair Movement

Farmers of the twenty-first century depend on agricultural equipment outfitted with computer systems and state-of-the-art software. The proliferation of high-tech farm equipment in recent years not only increased average yields in light of unreliable market prices, but it also distorted traditional notions of ownership.  

Lighthizer’s Options: Where to go when Trade and Science Collide?

Lighthizer’s Options: Where to go when Trade and Science Collide?

Robert Lighthizer has set his department’s sights on attacking overseas regulations restricting the importation of American GMO crops and other agricultural products made possible by technological innovation.The question now turns to how the new taskforce will accomplish this objective.