
Agriculture’s Growing Drone Market

Agriculture’s Growing Drone Market

Drones are fast becoming big business.  Within the drone market, agriculture is one of the fastest growing areas.  One recent report predicts the agricultural drone market will increase to a $4.2 billion by 2022. Another prediction claims: "Drones will allow farming to become a highly data-driven industry, which eventually will lead to an increase in productivity and yields."

CRISPR: The Future of Agriculture Has Arrived, but Who Will Control It from Here

CRISPR: The Future of Agriculture Has Arrived, but Who Will Control It from Here

For those not well versed in science jargon, CRISPR-Cas is a genome-editing technology that allows the user to precisely cut out sections of DNA.  Not surprisingly, scientific technology is moving faster than the gears of the political process can turn.  The FDA and the USDA have realized that CRISPR is coming whether they are ready or not. But the agencies are going different directions on whether to regulate the organisms that undergo CRISPR alterations.