VOLUME 10 - 2017-2018 ISSUE 1
10 Ky. J. Equine, Agric. & Nat. Resources L. 1 (2018).
Article Written By: Waseem Ahmad Quareshi
The Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) of 1960 governs water apportionment of the Indus River Basin between India and Pakistan. Both countries continuously compete over the stressed waters of the Indus River Basin. India is securing its interests by constructing hundreds of projects that increase its capacity to manage the waters of the western rivers; consequently, Pakistan believes that India is stealing water by increasing its water management capacity over the western rivers in order to control all of Pakistan’s water supplies. Though India acknowledges that water flows are decreased in the western rivers, it argues that decreased water flows are not due to Indian water diversions but to climate change. And despite the IWT requiring India to share with Pakistan all relevant data on western river inflows, outflows and projects, there is a significant amount of vagueness in the data exchanged. The two countries use outdated techniques and often Pakistan receives incomplete data. As a result, the main cause of decreased water flows of western rivers remains unexplained. This paper investigates this issue by exploring the effects of climate change on the water flows of the Indus River Basin. To provide context, this paper will meticulously examine the countries’ relevant obligations under the IWT. Furthermore, within the existing legal framework of the IWT, this paper will attempt to provide recommendations to placate water conflicts and establish trust between the states.