A Section 201 Solar Flare Up

A Section 201 Solar Flare Up

Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 functions as a strong trade remedy and authorizes
the President to implement trade barriers to protect domestic industries that have been injured or
threatened by an import. Earlier this Sspring, solar cell manufacturer Suniva, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, attributing its financial struggles to increased imports. President Trump’s 2017 trade policy agenda, along with his support for American manufacturing and his want for tariffs, make it
likely some remedy will be imposed on foreign made solar cells and panels.

Agriculture’s Growing Drone Market

Agriculture’s Growing Drone Market

Drones are fast becoming big business.  Within the drone market, agriculture is one of the fastest growing areas.  One recent report predicts the agricultural drone market will increase to a $4.2 billion by 2022. Another prediction claims: "Drones will allow farming to become a highly data-driven industry, which eventually will lead to an increase in productivity and yields."

Addressing the Aging Farmer

Addressing the Aging Farmer

In the last thirty years, the average age of U.S. farmers has grown from 50.5 years to 58.3 years. Between 2007 and 2012, the number of farm operators fell by 90,000. America’s farmers are an economic asset in stimulating our rural economies and putting food on our tables. However, as American farmers retire, there is a concern that few emerging farmers will replace them.

Successful Hollywood Actor Fails to Sell Kentucky Horse-Farm

Successful Hollywood Actor Fails to Sell Kentucky Horse-Farm

Though Johnny Depp is most well-known for his starring roles in movies, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, and more, in 1995, he took on a different role: Kentucky horse farm owner. Working with Halfhill Auction Group, on September 15, 2017, Depp held an auction on September 15, 2017, to try to sell the 41.32-acre horse farm for $2.9 million.

Monsanto Faces Litigation Concerning New Dicamba Products

Monsanto Faces Litigation Concerning New Dicamba Products

When Monsanto introduced dicamba-resistant soybeans for the first time, 200 dicamba spraying complaints were lodged in Missouri, with a host of aggravation for farmers, businessmen, and scientists on both sides of the issues. In fact, —a dicamba dispute between two Arkansas farmers even led to one farmer’s death and a murder indictment for the other. Farmers from Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas have been deemed eligible to join a class-action lawsuit against Monsanto because of the alleged dicamba drift damage suffered byto their crops.

Agricultural Crisis: How Mass Deportations Hurt America

Agricultural Crisis: How Mass Deportations Hurt America

While some in Washington have rejected the idea of mass deportation, the President has continued to defer his decision for undocumented immigrants until after the border is secured. Should the President continue this trend of fulfilling campaign promises by implementing a mass-deportation styled immigration crackdown, it would surely spell disaster. One issue that should raise concerns across ideological-lines, is the impact that mass deportations would have on the domestic agricultural economy of the United States.

Community Solar Gardens: The Future of Energy Assistance Programs?

Community Solar Gardens: The Future of Energy Assistance Programs?

While the success of the integration of community solar gardens with energy assistance programs is still yet to be determined, the odds favor solar energy being a more nationally widespread energy option for low-income households in the future.  

Clean Meats: Will Regulations Hinder the New Meats Market?

Clean Meats: Will Regulations Hinder the New Meats Market?

The human population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, and at that size, to meet demand, food production must increase by 70%. Many argue, without a sustainable meat alternative that meat consumption will outpace production, causing meat to become scarce instead of the commodity it is now.