
Smoked Out: How Overregulation Threatens Emerging (Legal) Marijuana Markets

Smoked Out: How Overregulation Threatens Emerging (Legal) Marijuana Markets

As certain states begin to legalize marijuana, many questions will arise especially in terms of regulations. 2L staffer, John Hayman III, analyzes how over-regulation of this industry actually undermines the goal of legalization by looking at black markets and organized crimes.

What do Kentucky Bourbon and Sinkholes have in Common?

What do Kentucky Bourbon and Sinkholes have in Common?

A karst landscape can cause sinkholes to occur and homeowners are not always protected from sinkholes with insurance. Some states are passing laws that require insurance companies to protect homeowners from sinkholes, but others don’t. Find out what Senior Staffer, Abigail Hartge says about this issue.

Rethinking Irrigation: New Techniques Offer Solutions to the Overuse of Freshwater Reserves in Production Agriculture

Rethinking Irrigation: New Techniques Offer Solutions to the Overuse of Freshwater Reserves in Production Agriculture

Irrigation is not a new idea for farmers, but does it need to be revamped? 2L Staffer, Julianna Grant, takes a look at how AppHarvest (a new agricultural initiative started in Kentucky) is using rainfall instead of ground and surface water to revamp irrigation.

If It’s Broke, Fix It: The Purview of the Clean Air Act is No Longer Effective as Applied to the States

If It’s Broke, Fix It: The Purview of the Clean Air Act is No Longer Effective as Applied to the States

Climate Change is a hot topic where ever you go. An unspoken part of climate change is how air quality is becoming worse over time. In 1970, the Clean Air Act was passed, but it hasn’t been amended since 1990. 2L staffer, Henry Cashen compares State Implementation Plan of the this act with Kentucky & Tennessee.

Illinois Senate Bill 2408: A Greener Future Lies Ahead but Roadblocks may Arise

Illinois Senate Bill 2408: A Greener Future Lies Ahead but Roadblocks may Arise

Illinois Senate Bill 2408 says a lot about the future of coal In Illinois, but is this truly the best idea? 2L staffer, Ashley Dragan, discusses this bill and the issues it brings while weighing the pros and cons of going green.

A Cloud of Smoke and Mirrors: A Call for Clarity in the FDA Regulation of the Vaping Industry

A Cloud of Smoke and Mirrors: A Call for Clarity in the FDA Regulation of the Vaping Industry

As vaping and e-cigarettes seem to take the place of regular cigarettes, many are wondering is this safe? The public and the government are worried that those who are partaking in this activity are putting themselves more at risk. With Covid-19 swarming through our country, taking care of our body and lungs are at an all time high causing the FDA to look at putting more restrictions on vaping and e-cigarettes.

NFTs & Energy

NFTs & Energy

NFTs are non-fungible token that many investors are extremely interested in investing and trading across the internet. Sadly though, NFTs rely largely on energy consumption where one command leaves the carbon footprint of watching Youtube for over a year. See what our recent alum, Fletcher Lyon, has to say about this and what he suggests to solve it!

Where's Our Seat at the Table? An overview of how the Black Community has Been Left out of Spaces Meant to Combat Environmental Issues Despite Being Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?

Where's Our Seat at the Table? An overview of how the Black Community has Been Left out of Spaces Meant to Combat Environmental Issues Despite Being Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?

Climate Change has always been present in our society but it has caused more serious issues among the Black community. Check out Kennedy Weather’s blog post concerning this issue and what she believes would help solve this issue!