
Will Americans Ever Be Able to Divorce Themselves From the ‘Forever Chemical’ PFAS?

Will Americans Ever Be Able to Divorce Themselves From the ‘Forever Chemical’ PFAS?

PFAS are dangerous chemicals and practically everything from our water to oil, deeming these chemicals as ‘forever chemicals.’ Congress has tried to step in and help this matter, but is it enough? 2L staffer Nicole Cossel analyzes this pressing issue and offers her solutions.

Ecocide: A New International Crime & a Push for Change

Ecocide: A New International Crime & a Push for Change

Ecocide is destroying out environment each and everyday. Some believe it is time to make Ecocide into an international crime, but is that too far? Senior staffer, Samantha Blakeman looks at the concept of making Ecocide an International Crime while looking at the pros and cons of it.