Forever Chemicals Mean Forever Problems: How the PFAS Action Act of 2021 Can Help

Forever Chemicals Mean Forever Problems: How the PFAS Action Act of 2021 Can Help

2L Staffer Breanna McKnight discusses the dangerous chemical known as polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) and what Congress is doing to help eliminate these chemicals in our drinking water. The United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 2467, known as the PFAS Action Act of 2021. Although some organizations worry that this bill will cause more harm than good, McKnight strongly encourages people to support this Act as she believes it is a vital step to combat these chemicals.

Will Americans Ever Be Able to Divorce Themselves From the ‘Forever Chemical’ PFAS?

Will Americans Ever Be Able to Divorce Themselves From the ‘Forever Chemical’ PFAS?

PFAS are dangerous chemicals and practically everything from our water to oil, deeming these chemicals as ‘forever chemicals.’ Congress has tried to step in and help this matter, but is it enough? 2L staffer Nicole Cossel analyzes this pressing issue and offers her solutions.