
Environmental Impact of Trump Border Wall: Where Do We Go from Here

Environmental Impact of Trump Border Wall: Where Do We Go from Here

With Joe Biden’s executive order halting the construction of the border wall, the future of the wall remains unclear. One thing that we do know is that the wall has already left an impact on the southwest states’ water, wildlife, and vegetation. In this piece, staffer Nick Ellis highlights the environmental effects of the wall and urges the new administration to keep the environment in mind when making decisions about the wall.

PG&E Wildfire Response: Should the Company Invest in Undergrounding to Prevent Future Liability?

PG&E Wildfire Response: Should the Company Invest in Undergrounding to Prevent Future Liability?

California wildfires have become a deadly summertime norm in recent years. In this piece, 2L staffer Rachel Bierman explores the underlying cause of these wildfires, offers solutions, and ultimately holds PG&E responsible for its role in this widespread catastrophe.

Coal Ash in Herrington Lake and the Clean Water Act

Coal Ash in Herrington Lake and the Clean Water Act

A Sixth Circuit case alleged that Kentucky Utilities violated the Clean Water Act and the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act. In 2018 the suit was dismissed due to Kentucky Utilities having agreed to submit a remedial action plan. This plan is currently pending, but there are some issues as some believe the Clean Water Act does not relate to groundwater. Kyle Ruschell is hoping this case could clarify the Clean Water Act.