Women Veterans, Know Your Risks, Know Your Benefits: How Breathing the Air on Deployment Increases Risk of Aggressive Breast Cancer and How the VA is Failing to Warn You*

Women Veterans, Know Your Risks, Know Your Benefits: How Breathing the Air on Deployment Increases Risk of Aggressive Breast Cancer and How the VA is Failing to Warn You*

Blog By: Bethany Thompson

3L Staffer Bethany Thompson discusses a recent expansion of veteran health care benefits, the PACT Act. This Act focuses on legislative efforts to address women veterans’ high risk of breast cancer and the Veteran Affairs’ failure to adequately implement those efforts.

A New Era of Permitting: Why Revising Section 10 of the ESA is Necessary for Conservation Efforts

A New Era of Permitting: Why Revising Section 10 of the ESA is Necessary for Conservation Efforts

Blog By: Kaitlyn Willis

In this blog, Kaitlyn Willis discusses the purpose of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the various changes it has seen during the past two presidential administrations. In February 2023, the Fish and Wildlife Service proposed a new rule under the ESA which would allow the FWS to issue incidental take permits for non-listed species. Kaitlyn argues that this rule is in accordance with the purpose of the ESA and would reinforce protection for both threatened and endangered species.

Surface Mine Reclamation: A Better Alternative

Surface Mine Reclamation: A Better Alternative

Blog By: Braydan Roark

In this blog, 3L staffer Braydan Roark talks about the various alternatives to surface mine reclamation and restoring land to a higher or better use after the mine is no longer in use. Several landowners and coal companies favor the pastureland method of land reclamation, which involves smoothed over hills with little plant growth. Braydan argues that more landowners and coal companies ought to consider the forestland use reclamation method, which aims to restore post-mining land to a productive forest habitat.

Agriculture's Best Kept Secrets: The Potential Harm of the FTC's Proposed Non-Compete Ban

Agriculture's Best Kept Secrets: The Potential Harm of the FTC's Proposed Non-Compete Ban

Blog By: Shelton Owen

In this blog, 2L staffer Shelton Owen warns that the FTC’s proposed ban on non-compete clauses could have a detrimental effect on agriculture. Specifically, she argues that the ban would inhibit agricultural producers’ ability to protect trade secrets, such as cultivation techniques, fertilizer recipes, and other specialized creation methods. To avoid this, Shelton argues that the ban should not go into place.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Uranium

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Uranium

Blog By: Leen M. Heresh

The Price-Anderson Act was put in place to compensate members of the public who incur damages from nuclear and radiological incidents. In this blog, 3L staffer Leen Heresh discusses the shortcomings of the Price-Anderson Act through cases involving plaintiffs in Paducah, Kentucky and Portsmouth, Ohio. Heresh ultimately argues that the Price-Anderson Act should be repealed as it does not truly help the impacted plaintiffs as written.

They Keep Food on Our Tables and It's Time the Federal Government Returned the Favor: A Call for the Expansion of Overtime Compensation Rights to Agricultural Workers

They Keep Food on Our Tables and It's Time the Federal Government Returned the Favor: A Call for the Expansion of Overtime Compensation Rights to Agricultural Workers

Blog By: Breanna Carper

Breanna Carper, 3L staffer, discusses the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and its intentional omission of agricultural workers from its protections in this piece. Breanna advocates for Congress to rectify this and afford agricultural laborers a minimum wage, overtime pay, and other benefits enjoyed by laborers in other industries.

Sustainable Practices of the Bourbon Industry in Times of Climate Change

Sustainable Practices of the Bourbon Industry in Times of Climate Change

Blog By: Yuha Jung

In this blog, 2L staffer Yuha Jung talks about the potential impacts of climate change on key resources utilized in Kentucky’s bourbon industry, such as corn and white oak trees. Yuha calls on bourbon producers across the state to align themselves with the goals of the Paris Agreement to prevent the decline of these resources and so bourbon production can continue to thrive.