Stop Sweeping Homeless Encampments

Stop Sweeping Homeless Encampments

Homeless encampments are appearing in record numbers causing larger cities to “sweep" these encampments and move the residents off the streets. In this blog, 2L staffer Erik Farleigh discusses the negative environmental impacts of “sweeping” and offers solutions to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by closing encampments and forcing homeless individuals to move.

Left with Major Questions: Administrative Law Lessons from West Virginia v. EPA

Left with Major Questions: Administrative Law Lessons from West Virginia v. EPA

This past summer, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in West Virginia v. EPA, a case concerning the EPA's authority to decarbonize the nation's electricity-generating industry through "generation shifting." In this blog, 3L staffer Evan Callahan discusses how this decision impacts administrative law and the EPA's carbon emissions policies going forward.

Step the FERC Up: Build the National Energy Grid

Step the FERC Up: Build the National Energy Grid

A national energy grid ensures the country's energy is reliable, secure, and advancing decarbonization efforts. In this blog, 2L staffer Omer Arain argues that Congress must remove legal obstacles, such as state eminent domain authority, which inhibit the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) from building high-voltage, long-distance electric transmission lines that serve national energy grid goals.