Bee Aware: State Pollinator Protection Plan Seeks to Improve Declining Pollinator Population

Bee Aware: State Pollinator Protection Plan Seeks to Improve Declining Pollinator Population

Pollinators play a vital role in the United States’ economy. Honeybee pollination adds $15 billion in value to agricultural crops in the United States each year. However, over the past two decades, there has been a steady decline in the population of pollinators. Last year, the United States experienced a forty percent decline in bee population overall. In the Commonwealth of Kentucky, a thirty percent drop was reported. The decline is attributed to increased pesticide use and a phenomenon referred to as “Colony Collapse Disorder” where worker bees abandon the queen bee.

Hippotherapy: How Beneficial Equine-Based Therapy Methods are Unfairly Excluded From a Child’s Free and Appropriate Public Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Hippotherapy: How Beneficial Equine-Based Therapy Methods are Unfairly Excluded From a Child’s Free and Appropriate Public Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Mention horses, and horse racing undoubtedly first crosses one’s mind.  With the rich history of horse racing in Kentucky, namely at Keeneland and Churchill Downs, racing is often considered a horse’s main utility. However, with the rise of children with disabilities benefiting from horse-based therapy – namely, “hippotherapy” – an entirely different equine service has evolved.

Is Kentucky Ready to go Smoke Free?

On February 13, 2015 House Bill 145 passed by a 51-46 vote in the Kentucky House of Representatives. The bill referred to as “Smoke free Kentucky,” which provides criminal sanctions for those who smoke tobacco products in all places of business indoors, did not clear the Kentucky Senate. Since last year’s flop, the “Foundation for A Healthy Kentucky” released a poll showing support for a smoking ban across the State with around 66% of poll participants favoring the ban.

Supreme Court Smackdown: Obama’s Overreaching Clean Power Plan Halted

Supreme Court Smackdown: Obama’s Overreaching Clean Power Plan Halted

On February 9, 2016, the Supreme Court dealt a major blow to Obama’s “climate change” agenda. Divided five to four, the Supreme Court ordered the Obama administration not to proceed on the “Clean Power Plan,” which may stall the proposal until after President Barack Obama leaves office next January.

State Solution to Air Pollution

State Solution to Air Pollution

Even though you can survive many days without food and several hours without water, without air you would die within a few minutes. Particularly, air pollution can burn your eyes and nose, which can affect visibility and the ability to breathe. In order to combat pollution in the air, Congress passed the Clean Air Act (hereinafter “the Act”), which gave the federal government the power to limit air pollution in the United States.

Controversy Following 2015 Breeders’ Cup: Ex-trainer of ‘Runhappy’ Files Suit

Controversy Following 2015 Breeders’ Cup: Ex-trainer of ‘Runhappy’ Files Suit

The very next day after ‘Runhappy,’ owned by Gallery Racing Stables LLC, won the TwinSpires Breeders' Cup Sprint, the trainer he had been conditioning under was relieved of her duties. Maria Borell, a Syracuse, N.Y. native, was hired by James McIngvale (founder of Gallery Racing Stables LLC) as Runhappy’s trainer and led him to victories in every race under her care. Feeling slighted by the McIngvale family, Borell turned to the law.

Cheater, Cheater: Thoroughbred-Racing Regulations Walking the Fine Line Between Therapy and Doping

Cheater, Cheater: Thoroughbred-Racing Regulations Walking the Fine Line Between Therapy and Doping

When we think of illegal doping scandals, undoubtedly the first scandals that come to mind are with the mega homerun hitters of Major League Baseball, but protections against cheating have permeated nearly every sporting event out there. Horse racing is no exception. 

Navajo Nation Sues EPA over Pollution from Navajo Generating Station

Navajo Nation Sues EPA over Pollution from Navajo Generating Station

On October 28, various Navajo Environmental Groups filed suit in federal court against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), claiming the EPA passed a rule that exempted the Navajo Generating Plant from emission requirements. In the complaint the To’ Nizhoni Ani, Black Mesa Water Coalition, and Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment claim that the EPA bypassed its own emissions standards in a plan it approved for the Navajo Generating Station located on the tribes reservation.