The Aftermath of California's Proposition 37 and Overview of New State Proposals for Labeling Mandates on Genetically Modified Foods

By: Jocelyn Arlinghaus, Staff Member

Last November, we discussed the controversial debate surrounding proposed legislation that would mandate the labeling of food products that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are produced using genetic engineering which manipulates DNA or distributes it between different organisms.[1] Through this process, crops such as corn and soybeans that are used to produce many of the food products at issue are implanted with herbicide-resistant genes so that the weeds die after the crops are sprayed and the modified crops survive.[2] Although many popular processed foods such as soy milk, cereals, and packaged food contain genetically modified ingredients, the Food and Drug Administration decided not to require labeling on genetically modified foods.[3] This decision has sparked battles in state legislatures across the nation with as many as 37 states considering passing legislation that would require products containing GMOs to be labeled.[4]

California responded with Proposition 37 which sought to require labeling on animal or plant based food products made using genetically altered material and prohibited labeling such food as "natural," subject to several exceptions.[5] Supporters argued that requiring genetically engineered foods to be labeled gives consumers essential information to make informed choices about the products they purchase.[6] Opponents argued that there is no proof that genetically modified foods pose any health risks and imposing labeling requirements on perfectly safe products is a waste of time and resources.[7] Ultimately, Proposition 37 was defeated after large corporations spent $40 million on a barrage of TV and radio ads claiming that food labels would raise grocery prices and harm the farming industry.[8] While these harsh opposition tactics led to the demise of Proposition 37, they also propelled the issue into a national debate and alienated customers of large food companies.[9] Instead of putting an end to the demand for labeling in state legislatures, the debate over Proposition 37 has sparked a ballot initiative in Washington State and proposals in several other states including Connecticut, Vermont, New Mexico, and Missouri, as well as consumer boycotts of several organic product lines made by major food companies.[10]

The next stop on the road to GMO food labeling requirements is Washington State where Initiative 522 will be considered before the state legislature this spring.[11] I-522 would require food and seeds produced through genetic engineering and sold in Washington to be labeled - with the exception of restaurant entrees, medical meals, alcohol, meat and dairy.[12] This would affect common products found on grocery shelves, such as cereal and snacks, which are often made from genetically engineered crops.[13] Aware of the outcome of Proposition 37 in California, proponents of I-522 have taken a much different approach in lobbying for the bill.[14] They argue that the failure to mandate labels will have a devastating impact on the international trade market of Washington's fish, apple, and wheat industries as foreign nations that require labeling will be much more wary of whole food compared to processed goods.[15] If the Washington legislature does not pass I-522 into law, it may send it to the ballot where it is predicted to stand a much greater chance of passing than California's Proposition 37.[16] Analysts draw distinctions between the demographics in the respective states, pointing to lower campaign costs, greater support from farmers and rural communities, and more progressive voters in Washington as compared to California, all of which work in favor of I-522.[17]

While supporters of labeling requirements in Washington anticipate a positive outcome, lobbyists in New Mexico have little to celebrate. Introduced as early as January, S.B. 18 would have required all genetically modified food products offered for sale in the state to be labeled.[18] Unlike I-522 in Washington, the bill contained no exception for food offered for sale in restaurants, which opponents argued would have a devastating impact on the restaurant industry in the state.[19] Ultimately, S.B. 18 was rejected due to a procedural issue.[20] The New Mexico Environment Department stated that such severe labeling requirements would make it impossible for many food manufacturers around the world to distribute their products to New Mexico and would place New Mexico food manufacturers at a disadvantage in distributing their products outside of the state.[21] Further, the N.M.E.D. added that the legislation may confuse consumers as it did not mandate adding any health or safety information to the products.[22]

The debate surrounding labeling requirements for genetically engineered food products is far from over. The state legislatures in Vermont and Connecticut are also considering labeling laws while a senator in Missouri has proposed legislation that would mandate the labeling of genetically modified meat and fish.[23] Meanwhile, companies such as Wal-Mart, ConAgra, and PepsiCo have abandoned their rigorous tactics in challenging these state bills and are discussing the possibility of lobbying for a national labeling program.[24] While having the largest food companies in the country lobbying for a federal labeling program may sound like a step in the right direction for GMO labeling mandates, skeptics worry that these companies are looking for federal action on GMO labeling in order to pre-empt state laws.[25] This would halt movement toward the most effective labeling requirements possible.


[1] Daniel Imhoff & Michael R. Dimock,

The case for Prop. 37

Los Angeles Times

 (Oct. 11, 2012),,0,7997497.story.



[3] Victoria Cavaliere,

California voters reject measure labeling genetically engineered food; supporters vow to fight on

Daily News America

 (Nov. 7, 2012, 4:01 PM),

[4] Gregory B. Hladky,

Connecticut Food Activists Skeptical of Wal-Mart's Apparent Switch on GMO Labeling

(Feb. 12, 2013, 1:56 PM),,0,4261354.story.


California 37, Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food (2012)



(Feb. 18, 2013),,_Mandatory_Labeling_of_Genetically_Engineered_Food_(2012)#cite_note-0.

[6] Imhoff & Dimock,


 note 1.

[7] Alexandra Le Tellier,

Prop. 37: A better idea than labeling GMOs

Los Angeles Times

(Oct. 31, 2012, 11:59 AM),,0,4916751.story.

[8] Ronnie Cummins,

6 Reasons GMO Labeling Will Pass in Washington State


(Jan. 03, 2013),

[9] Stephanie Strom,

Genetic Changes to Food May Get Uniform Labeling

The New York Times

(Jan. 31, 2013),



[11] Melissa Allison,

Initiative to require labels on GMO foods debated

The Seattle Times

(Feb. 14, 2013, 7:08 PM),


Editorial: Be skeptical of Initiative 522 on GMO labeling

The Seattle Times

(Feb. 17, 2013, 4:00 PM),



[14] Strom,


 note 9.



[16] Cummins,


 note 8.



[18] Keith Nunes,

New Mexico legislature blocks bioengineering labeling bill

Food Business News

(Feb. 01, 2013),{359B738A-B6DE-4597-9226-E603A323E2B1}&cck=1.









[23] Strom,


note 9. 



[25] Hladky,


 note 4.

Horse: The Other Red Meat

By: Jeremy Maynard, Staff Member

Congress recently allowed a five year ban on horse meat inspection to expire, allowing Americans to explore their culinary creativities with a new medium - horse meat.[1] For the uninitiated, horse meat can be described as a slightly gamey, sweet red meat with a flavor between beef and venison.[2]

But who could eat friendly old Mister Ed? A dish consisting of raw horse meat is known as Basashi in Japan,[3] and a similar dish is popular in Italy.[4] Americans even ate horse meat in the 1940s.[5] Historically, starving troops in Napoleon's grand army ate horse in times of hardship.[6] Horse meat may have made its way to your plate; a well-known burger chain's reputation has taken a hit after admitting that some of its burgers in the U.K. and Ireland contained horse meat.[7] Additionally, Irish food safety officials found that beef from Poland contained up to 75% horse meat.[8] Grocery stores in Sweden have pulled Findus Lasagne from their shelves for containing 60 to 100% horse meat.[9] Findus stated that it does not believe horse meat is a food safety issue.[10] However, the source of the horse meat in the above cases is unknown.[11]

The American romantic notion of horses as human companions or pets[12] has overshadowed the real issue. When horse meat is consumed, human health should be top priority. Before the expiration of the inspection ban, horse meat was unregulated because it was obtained in secret. The meat may contain dangerous deworming medicines, antibiotics such as chloramphenicols and nitroimidazoles, and growth hormones that threaten human health.[13] This is especially true when the source of the horse meat is an American horse farm because these horses are raised for sport instead of consumption.

During the inspection ban, horse meat would fetch up to $40 per pound on the black market, incentivizing owners to butcher low-potential horses or thieves to slaughter horses at night for their flesh.[14] Now that inspecting horse meat is legal, the price will drop due to increased supply. The price decrease will also reduce the incentive to steal horse meat.

Regulation of horse meat is necessary to keep consumers safe, and current federal regulations grant authority for horse meat inspection for human consumption.[15] Unfortunately, the necessary federal funding for inspection has been rescinded.[16] With federal funding, food companies would have a legal supply chain for consumer-safe horse meat. As the taboo against horse meat weakens, demand for legal, safe horse meat would create a market for raising, distributing, and selling food horses. Although thoroughbreds may not be the palatable breed of choice, demand for horse meat may even bolster the sluggish horse industry.


[1] Justin Juozapavicius,

Horse Meat Inspection Ban Lifted in the U.S.

Huffington Post 

(Nov. 30, 2011),


What Horse Meat Tastes Like

Huffington Post 

(Dec. 1, 2011),


Basashi (Raw Horse Meat)

Japan for the Uninvited,



What Horse Meat Tastes Like



 note 2.

[5] Juozapavicius,


 note 1.


A History of Consuming Horse Meat

Ban on Slaughterhouses in the United States, (last visited Feb. 10, 2013).


Findus Frozen Beef Lasagne Found To Contain Up To 100 Percent Horse Meat

Huffington Post 

(Feb. 8, 2012),


Shawn Pogatchnik,

Horse Meat Found in 75 Percent of 'Beef' Imported to Ireland: Government

Huffington Post

(Feb. 4, 2013)



Findus Frozen Beef Lasagne Found To Contain Up To 100 Percent Horse Meat



 note 7.





[12] Juozapavicius,

Horse Meat Inspection Ban Lifted in the U.S.



 note 1.

[13] Suzanne Bush,

EU Bans Drug Tainted Horse Meat

Pennsylvania Equestrian 

(Oct. 2009) 


Kim Segal and John Zarrella,

Horses Being Killed in South Florida - For Their Meat?


(Aug. 10, 2009),



9 C.F.R. § 355.2;

See also

9 C.F.R. § 327.21. 


Pat Raia,

Amendment Strips USDA Horsemeat Inspection Funding

The Horse 

(June 20, 2012),

Student Comment: The Revival of the Eastern Oyster and the Regulations that Hinder Restoration Efforts 
by Collier Marsh, Editor in Chief

States deal with many difficult problems for which there are no clear solutions. They often enact regulations to solve these problems, but sometimes the regulations actually hinder their efforts. Two problems of interest, the struggling economy and the deteriorating environment, are often the subject of extensive government regulation. Meanwhile, the eastern oyster has the potential to redress both of these problems. As a valuable commodity, the oyster can boost the economy of coastal regions, and as a filter feeder, the oyster cleans water, benefitting the surrounding environment. The oyster has declined in recent years but aquaculture is a promising method to revive it. States, aware of the oyster aquaculture industry's promise, have implemented different regulatory scheme with varying degrees of success. This note will compare the successful regulatory regime of Virginia with the inefficient regime of Maryland. This note argues that although Maryland has made some recent changes to its oyster aquaculture regulations, these changes will not fix the system. This note then suggests additional changes Maryland can implement to effectively stimulate the oyster industry.

Continue Reading

Tier 3 Gasoline: Is it worth it?

By: Shannon Lawson, Staff Member

On January 29th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) submitted to the White House Office of Management and Budget its proposed rule for Tier 3 gasoline and motor vehicle standards.[1] If approved, the Tier 3 rule would go into effect in 2017 and require stricter motor vehicle and gasoline standards in hopes of reducing tailpipe emissions and their impact on air quality and health.[2] In turn, motor fuel producers and motor vehicle manufacturers would have to lower their products' sulfur and vapor pressure levels.[3]

Under the existing Tier 2 standard, which was finalized in February 2000, the EPA limited the sulfur content of gasoline to 30 parts per million (ppm) beginning with model year 2004.[4] The proposed Tier 3 rule is expected to set the sulfur limit to 10 ppm.[5] A decrease in the sulfur content of gasoline reduces the emission of sulfur dioxide or sulfate particulate matter into the air.[6] It also increases the effectiveness of emissions control technologies which help reduce the level of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and nitrogen oxide released into the air.[7]

Undoubtedly, Tier 3 gasoline will come at a cost. It is estimated Tier 3 gasoline will cost U.S. refiners as much as $10-17 billion in up-front capital costs and another $5-13 billion in annual operating expenses.[8] Even though many U.S. refiners have already invested in desulfurization technology,[9] some refineries will not be able to meet these financial commitments and may be forced to close.[10] Moreover, the cost of complying with T3 gasoline may outweigh the benefits. It has been argued that existing Tier 2 standards have already achieved the EPA's goal for vehicle emissions and Tier 3 gasoline does not add any significant benefits to the environment.[11]

In addition, Tier 3 gasoline will also cost consumers more at the pump. Although the EPA estimates that Tier 3 standards will only raise gas prices one cent per gallon, the American Petroleum Institute estimates gas prices will raise prices six to nine cents per gallon.[12] Regardless of which is correct, the price of gas would increase. Economists have also predicted Tier 3 gasoline will lead to price increases for other consumer goods as well such as utilities and groceries.[13]

So is it worth it? Should U.S. drivers potentially have to pay an additional nine cents per gallon on already insanely high gas prices? As of February 2013, the U.S. national average for a gallon of regular gasoline was $3.497.[14] Who knows how high gas prices will be four years from now in 2017 when the proposed Tier 3 standards are expected to go into effect.

While Tier 3 gasoline may only cost the average U.S. driver an additional $51.30 a year,[15] we must also take into account the effect it would have on the price of other consumer goods. Besides, the existing Tier 2 standards have yielded significant improvements according to the EPA's own goals and would continue to do so even without tightening the standards.[16] If Tier 3 gasoline does not drastically change the impact of vehicle emissions on the environment, then perhaps it is not worth it.


[1] Jessica Coomes & Andrew Childers,

White House Begins Review of EPA Proposed Tier 3 Gasoline, Motor Vehicle Standards

Daily Env't Report

 (BNA), Jan. 31, 2013, at A-6.



See also Cleaner Gasoline and Vehicles Survey January 2013

American Lung Association

, (last visited Feb. 2, 2013). 



 Nick Snow,

Watching Government: Tier 3 Battle Shapes Up

110 Oil & Gas J. 1,

 Jan. 2, 2012,

available at




Daily Env’t Report. 

See also Emissions Standards Reference Guide

, EPA, http://www. (last visited Feb. 2, 2013).



See also

Arthur Marin, NESCAUM, Benefits & Costs of Tier 3 Low Sulfur Gasoline Program, Presentation at the CT Deep SIPRAC Meeting (Jan. 12, 2012), (last visited Feb. 2, 2013).



 K.O. Blumberg et al., Low-Sulfur Gasoline & Diesel: The Key to Lower Vehicle Emissions, Presentation at the Int'l Council on Clean Transp. (2003)




Watching Government



 note 3, at 1.

[9] Benefits & Costs of Tier 3 Low Sulfur Gasoline Program,


 note 5, at 18.


Watching Government



 note 3, at 1.



 Robert Murphy,

Tier 3 Regulations

Inst. Energy Research,

 (June 14, 2012) (last visited Feb. 2, 2013). 



Daily Env’t Report,


 note 1.

[13] Memo from Andrew Baumann & Chloe Mullins, Greenburg Quinlan Rosner, to American Lung Association,

Voters Support Stricter Gasoline & Vehicle Standards

at 5,


AAA's Daily Fuel Gauge Report

, AAA, (last updated Feb. 2, 2013, 3:04 AM).

[15] On average, U.S. drivers drive approximately 12,000 miles a year. The average gasoline vehicle on the road toady has a fuel economy of about 21 mpg. Therefore, the average U.S. vehicle consumes approximately 570 gallons a year (12,000 gal. / 21 mpg = 570 gallons a year). Taking the 570 gallons consumed each year multiplied by the $.09 in additional per gallon cost of Tier 3 gasoline equals $51.30.

See Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle

, EPA, 2 (Dec. 2011), http://www.epa/gov/otaq/climate/documents/420f11041.pdf.

[16] Robert Murphy,

Tier 3 Regulations



 note 11. 

The Current Debate Concerning Obesity and Crop Subsidies: Why Farmers Should be Concerned

By: Rebekah McKinney, Staff Member

It has become almost impossible to watch the morning news or catch up on current events without being confronted with America's losing battle against obesity. Current efforts to battle the epidemic were announced by First Lady Michelle Obama, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin in 2010 in the "Healthy Fit America" plan.[1] While this plan promotes grassroots efforts to improve availability of supermarkets, recreational facilities, and limiting unhealthy food advertisements, some believe altering the current crop subsidies would address the root of the problem.[2]

Progressive organization

Think Progress

 discussed the findings of the California Public Interest Research Group (CALIPRIG) which reported that current crop subsidies contribute to driving down the prices of ingredients used in "junk food."[3] The organization opined that this was "particularly alarming" in light of the growing prevalence of obesity and such subsidies especially affect the poor due to the relatively inexpensive cost of unhealthy food.[4]

However, others claim farm subsidies have negligible effects on food prices and, consequently, America dietary choices. In an article examining the contribution of farm subsidies to the American obesity rate, Dr. Julian M. Alston, Professor of Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics at the University of California at Davis and previous Chief Economist in the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in Australia, identified three elements which must be true for subsidies to have an impact on American dietary choices: farm subsidies must have resulted in cheap and abundant commodities used in junk food, the abundance of farm commodities must result in cost savings for the food industry which are passed on to the consumer, and food consumption must have changed significantly in response to the price differential.[5] Dr. Alston illustrates that a simplistic view of the American crop subsidy program may lead to overly simplistic conclusions concerning the relationship between subsidies and obesity. For example, the effects of price-depressing subsidies are often contained or reversed by policies such as restricted acreage and production.[6] He concluded that altering current subsidy programs would have only a modest effect on the cost of production and prices and the overall effect on food prices would be small due to the declining and already small influence of farm commodity prices on food.[7]

With the failure of the House of Representatives to pass a comprehensive farm bill in 2012, coupled with the increasing prevalence of obesity in America, farmers should pay special attention not only to future farm bill discussions but also to the current obesity discourse. American Farmland Trust President Jon Scholl described this failure as leaving "U.S. farmers less secure" and placing important programs in "limbo."[8] This failure coupled with the recent spotlight on how subsidies may contribute to the obesity crisis will surely be of great importance to farmers in the months to come.


[1] Press Release, Department of Health and Human Services, HHS Secretary, and Surgeon General Join First Lady to Announce Plans to Combat Overweight and Obesity and Support Healthy Lifestyles (Jan. 28, 2008),



[3] Zach Beauchamp,

Farm Bill Contributing to America's Obesity Crisis

Think Progress

 (July 26, 2012),;


 California Public Interest Research Group,

Applies to Twinkies


(Sept. 21, 2011),



[5] Julian M. Alston,

Farm Subsidies and Obesity in the United States: National Evidence and International Comparisons


33 Food Policy 470, 472



 University of California at Davis,

Julian Alston: Biographical Sketch

Agricultural and Resource Economics

 (last visited Jan.30, 2013),



 at 472.



 at 473.

[8] Press Release, American Farmland Trust, Press American Farmland Trust Calls Extension of Old Farm Bill a Missed Opportunity (Dec. 31, 2012),

Why You May Pay More For Your Smartphone in Coming Years: Principles of Market Demand and Scarcity Impact On Rare Earth Metals

By: Ally Logsdon, Staff Member

Rare earth metals are fundamental ingredients in the technology that supports cell phones, laptops, iPads, wind turbines, televisions, hybrid cars, solar cells,[1] batteries,[2] and other electronics. The term "rare earth metals" refers to the 17 rare-earth chemical elements including Erbium, Lanthanum, Europium, and Neodymium.[3] Many features on electronics would not exist or function without the use of rare earth metals in the product design. For example, the color screen, glass polishing, phone circuitry, speakers, and vibration units all rely on the rare earth metals to serve their purpose.[4]

Although rare earth metals are not as "rare" as their name suggests, the excavating process is quite expensive because the elements are not dispersed in the earth's surface in economically viable quantities.[5] China has historically maintained a monopoly on the rare earth metals market,[6] but as over-excavating depletes the country's mineral reserves, other nations such as Jamaica and Japan are endeavoring to determine whether elements can be extracted from their soil.[7] China currently produces 90% of the world supply of rare earth metals.[8] Many countries neglect their own reserves of the minerals because of the environmental and ecological dangers of the mining process and the resulting toxic by-products.[9] For example, the United States imports 92% of its rare earth metal supply from China.[10] Over the past 13 years, China's monopoly on the market has led to increased prices as the country imposed trade limits and controlled the global supply of the minerals.[11]

Environmental concerns plague the rare earth metals market because of the ecologically dangerous mining process and lax regulations in the field.[12] The process results in the creation of toxic by-products called "tailings" which are dumped into "rare-earth lakes."[13] The lake water then seeps into the ground and makes its way to the Chinese water supplies.[14] Many farmers, residents, and miners in China report dying crops, lost teeth and hair,[15] and higher occurrences of lung and pancreatic cancer.[16] China maintains that the restrictions it placed on trade is due to growing environmental concerns and not economic greed.[17]

As China continues to tighten its grip on its rare earth metals reserve, the rest of the world is looking elsewhere for the resources. On February 4, 2013, Jamaica broke ground on a pilot project to determine whether extraction of the minerals from red mud is a viable alternative to reliance of Chinese exports.[18] While Jamaica and other countries are tapping into their own resources, some suggest an out-of-this-world location to consider exploring for rare earth metals: the Moon.[19] NASA has already determined that concentrations of rare earth minerals exist on the moon and has begun developing proposals for future excavation pending Congressional support.[20]

Consumers and investors should keep a watchful eye on the success of the efforts of Jamaica and other countries to wane the worldwide reliance on China's mineral reserves, as electronic product prices will likely be affected by the rare earth metal market continuously in the future.


[1] Renee Cho,

Rare Earth Metals: Will We Have Enough?

(Sept. 19, 2012),


Rare Earth Metals

 (Nov. 26, 2011),

[3] Maggie Koerth-Baker,

Four Rare Earth Elements That Will Only Get More Important

, (last visited Feb. 6, 2013).

[4] Jay Greene,

Digging for Rare Earths: The Mines Where iPhones are Born

 (Sept. 26, 2012),

[5] Elliot Brennan,

The Next Oil?: Rare Earth Metals

 (Jan.10, 2013),

[6] Brad Plumer,

China's Grip On The World's Rare Earth Market May Be Slipping

 (Oct. 19, 2012),

[7] David McFadden,

Jamaica Breaks Ground On Pilot Project To Possibly Extract Rare Earth Elements from Red Mud

 (Feb. 4, 2013),

[8] Greene,


 note 4.

[9] Russell McLendon,

What Are Rare Earth Metals?


 (June 22, 2011),





[12] Greene,


 note 4.

[13] McLendon,


 note 9.

[14] Greene,


 note 4.

[15] McLendon,


 note 9.

[16] Greene,


note 4.

[17] McLendon,


 note 9.

[18] McFadden,


 note 7. 

[19] Leonard David,

Is Mining Rare Minerals On The Moon Vital to National Security?, (last visited Feb. 6, 2013).



Support Growing for a Revival of Industrial Hemp in Kentucky

By: Steven Middleton, Staff Member

Over the past year, Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Jamie Comer and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul have expressed support for reviving the Kentucky hemp industry, and the two have committed to work to legalize hemp in Kentucky while seeking to obtain federal permission to grow hemp.[1] Currently, a bill allowing Kentucky farmers to grow hemp is awaiting a hearing before the Agricultural Committee in the Kentucky Senate.[2] Bringing hemp back will be a two step process, as the Kentucky General Assembly will first need to legalize the cultivation of hemp, and then the federal government will need to issue a permit giving Kentucky permission to grow hemp.[3] Such permits are subject to extensive regulation by the DEA.[4] The issue will ultimately be decided by weighing the two main consequences of industrial hemp, which are providing additional farming and manufacturing jobs in Kentucky and the difficulties law enforcements will face in distinguishing hemp from its more notorious cousin: marijuana.

Kentucky was once the center of hemp production in the United States.[5] Now, it is time for Kentucky to assume this position again. Hemp can be used for clothing fibers, paper, cosmetics, and other products.[6] While there is uncertainty about how many jobs would result from hemp production, it is clear that with high unemployment rates, government should move out of the way and allow the private market to create as many jobs as possible, even if it is only a handful. Despite these benefits, hemp has met opposition from law enforcement agencies.[7] Hemp and marijuana come from the same species of plant but are different genetically, and are distinguished by their levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).[8] This has led the Chief of the Kentucky State Police to argue that since it is very difficult to differentiate between hemp and marijuana when they are being grown, it would make law enforcement's task in distinguishing the two nearly impossible, especially when being observed from a helicopter.[9]

While it seems clear that there would be difficulties in regulating hemp and keeping it separate from marijuana, the economic benefits of industrial hemp have to win out in this tough economy. Law enforcement will simply have to adjust. The Kentucky General Assembly should allow for a revival of a crop that Kentucky used to be proud of, and Congress should strongly consider making it easier for states to cultivate hemp in a responsible way.


[1] Jack Brammer,

Rand Paul Joins State Ag Chief in Calling for Legalizing Industrial Hemp

Lexington Herald-Leader 

(Aug. 23, 2012), http://www.kentucky/com/2012/08/23/2308435/rand-paul-joins-state-ag-commissioner.html#storylink=misearch.

[2] Janet Patton,

Hemp Bill to Get Hearing but Might be Blocked from Vote,

Lexington Herald-Leader 

(Jan. 25, 2013),

[3] Gregory A. Hall,

Effort to Legalize Industrial Hemp Gains New Life in Kentucky

Louisville Courier-Journal 

(Jan. 23, 2013),


Industrial Hemp Legal Issues

University of Kentucky College of Agriculture 

(Sept. 2012),





[7] Bruce Schreiner,

KSP Chief Opposed to Industrial Hemp

Lexington Herald-Leader 

(Dec. 8, 2012),


Industrial Hemp Legal Issue, supra

 note 4.

[9] Schreiner,


 note 7.

Don't Bug Me: Failure to Comply with FIFRA Can Be Costly

By: Rachel King, Staff Member

In 2012, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued legal complaints against companies that the agency felt had violated the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).[1] Upon its initial conception, FIFRA established protocols regarding the registration of pesticides;[2] however, the true focus of this Act seemed to be on monitoring the effectiveness of these products.[3] Following amendments in 1972 and 1996, FIFRA's scope has been greatly enlarged: "[The] EPA is specifically authorized to: (1) strengthen the registration process by shifting the burden of proof to the chemical manufacturer, (2) enforce compliance against banned and unregistered products, and (3) promulgate the regulatory framework missing from the original law."[4] These newer duties enable the EPA to control the sale and use of pesticides.[5] It is important to note, however, that FIFRA does not fully preempt state and local law.[6]

In order to be in compliance with FIFRA, several key processes must be performed.[7] First, a company must register the product with the EPA.[8] The registration requirements vary depending on whether the pesticide is one that has been approved for registration in the past or is one that is new or imported.[9] For those that are new or imported, the registration must specify its projected use and chemical components[10] as well as provide data to the EPA for testing.[11] Desired data includes the effect of the pesticide's residues on the environment and the toxicity and irritation risk to humans and non-target animals.[12] For imported pesticides, a "Notice of Arrival" must be filed prior to the arrival of the pesticide within the United States;[13] this form allows the EPA to preemptively determine whether the product is approved for use in the country.[14] If the pesticide is barred from admission, the company has 90 days to export the product or it will be destroyed at the company's expense.[15]

In light of FIFRA, an action was initiated against Daifuku Trading Corp. for the company's sale of unregistered pesticides in late 2012.[16] Additional fines may be imposed on the company for improper labeling and importation of the products as well; "Under federal law, products used to kill pests must be registered with the EPA and contain labels written in English with instructions on their proper use."[17] Earlier in 2012, Scotts Miracle-Gro agreed to pay the EPA $6 million in penalties and spend $2 million on environmental projects in addition to criminal fines and penalties for similar violations.[18] To-date, this is the largest civil settlement under FIFRA.[19]

Companies that seek to sell pesticides within the U.S. can avoid the ever-watchful eye of the EPA by ensuring that the products stocked on their shelves fall within the purview of FIFRA or can take steps to ensure that newer products meet the EPA's strict requirements.


[1] John Martin,

EPA Takes Action Against Companies That Sell and Import Illegal Pesticides

Environmental Protection Agency

 (Dec. 28, 2012), http://yosemite.epa/gov/opa/admpress.nsf/d0cf6618525a9efb85257359003fb69d/2be923c665ce07fd85257ae200633725!OpenDocument.


Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

Environmental Protection Agency,

available at,%20Fungicide,%20and%20Rodenticide%20Act (last visited Jan. 16, 2013).




Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), supra

 note 2;

See also

 7 U.S.C. § 136 et. seq. (2013).


Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), supra

 note 2.











[11] Martin,


note 1.

[12] EPA,


 note 2.



[14] Martin,


 note 1.

[15] EPA,


 note 2.

[16] Martin,


 note 1.



[18] Ernesta Jones,

Scotts Miracle-Gro Will Pay $12.5 Million in Criminal Fines and Civil Penalties for Violations of Federal Pesticide Laws

Environmental Protection Agency

 (Sept. 7, 2012),!OpenDocument.



Following the Money: NEDC's Real Motivation Revealed

By: Greg Jackson, Staff Member

A. Overview of Litigation:

Litigation concerning stormwater runoff from the Sam Downs Road and Trask River Road began in September of 2006 when the Northwest Environmental Defense Center ("NEDC") filed a citizen suit, under Section 505 of the Clean Water Act ("CWA"), alleging various CWA violations by a number of private and public defendants.[1] The District Court dismissed the action for failure to state a claim, but was reversed on appeal by the Ninth Circuit.[2] According to the appeals court, sections of the Sam Downs Road and Trask River Road were subject to National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems ("NPDES") permitting under Section 402 of the CWA.[3]

Following the Ninth Circuit decision, Doug Decker, who replaced Marvin Brown as the Oregon State Forester in 2011, and Georgia-Pacific West, Incorporate, one of the private defendants, appealed to the United States Supreme Court.[4] The Supreme Court granted both writs for certiorari, consolidating the cases and allotting one hour of oral argument.[5] Unfortunately, however, the Friday following oral arguments, the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") issued revisions to its stormwater regulations designed to clarify that NPDES permits were not required for stormwater discharges from logging roads.[6] Both the parties and the Supreme Court were aware of the impending revisions prior to oral arguments, and, as a result, arguments focused on the proper action the Supreme Court should now take rather than the merits of the case.[7]

Additionally, the NEDC filed a challenge to the new regulation on January 4th, pursuant to Section 509(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the Administrative Procedure Act, and Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 15(a).[8] While this appears to complicate things further, the petition is merely protective and expressly designed to preserve a challenge to the revision if the Supreme Court determines the final rule is subject to challenge in a court of appeals under 33 U.S.C. § 1369(b)(1).[9] Therefore, the challenge only serves to ensure NEDC an avenue to challenge the revised regulation and should not have a significant impact at this time.

B. Oral Argument: Jeffery L. Fisher, On Behalf of the Respondent (NEDC)

According to Fisher, "in light of recent events, ... the most appropriate course for [the Court was] ... to just simply dismiss [the] ... case as improvidently granted."[10] He argued that under the present circumstances there would be three strong reasons to deny any petition for writ of certiorari.[11] First, the EPA believes its revisions of the rule have undercut the Ninth Circuit's decision.[12] Second, "the case is interlocutory in posture ... we are just on a reversal of a motion to dismiss."[13] Finally, every argument left in the case, including mootness, can effectively be heard on remand and later appealed back to the Supreme Court.[14] Furthermore, Fisher wondered why the Court "would want to touch all this in the first instance, particularly without supplemental briefing" when dismissing and remanding the case would allow the Ninth Circuit to address all the arguments on the revision first.[15]

Perceptively, Chief Justice Roberts pointed out the potential for monetary relief upon dismissal and remand to the Ninth Circuit.[16]

C. Money Motivating NEDC's Action

While Fisher correctly identified the Supreme Court's best course as sending the current case back to the Ninth Circuit, Chief Justice Roberts' comment on the monetary relief is very revealing. It highlights NEDC's true motivation for continuing the current case.

When the EPA issued its revision, NEDC had three options. First, NEDC could view the new regulation as rendering any further action futile and completely drop the suit. Second, the group could solely pursue a challenge action, which it filed in January. Third, NEDC could continue to prosecute the current litigation in hopes of eventually realizing a favorable ruling on the merits.

Both option two and option three allow the NEDC to remain dedicated "to the protection of the environment and natural resources of the Pacific Northwest," its stated goal.[17] The main difference between each option is, however, NEDC's ability to preserve the potential realization of its requested relief, namely a monetary award. In its complaint, NEDC requested, along with equitable relief, civil penalties and costs.[18] Pursuant to the CWA, plaintiffs prosecuting citizen suits may be awarded litigation costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, if they prevail or substantially prevail in the action.[19] Additionally, the CWA allows an award of civil penalties, not to exceed $25,000 per day per violation, payable to the United States Treasury.[20] Consequently, in order for NEDC to recoup any of its costs in this action from the private defendants, it must prevail in the current action. This seems to play a substantial role in NEDC's decision to pursue option three.[21]

1. Dropping All Legal Action

By dropping all legal action aimed at NPDES permitting for logging roads, NEDC would not long be working to protect the environment or the Pacific West's natural resources.[22] Instead, the private defendants would continue the alleged violations of the CWA and potential negative impacts on the environment.[23] Additionally, without any suit against the private defendants, the recovery litigation costs or assessment of civil penalties would be impossible.[24]

2. Solely Challenging the New Regulation

Here, NEDC would drop the litigation pending before the Supreme Court and only prosecute its filed challenge to the new EPA rule in the Ninth Circuit.[25] This would allow NEDC to continue fighting to protect the environment, but the only compensation available would be litigation costs of the challenge action.[26] Civil penalties could, however, still be assessed against the private defendants if a similar suit was refiled after a successful challenge. At first glance, this appears an unnecessary bifurcation of the issues, but the current action is an interlocutory appeal of a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss.[27] Thus, even if NEDC prevails in the current appeal and the logging roads are subject to NPDES permitting, a court would still need to determine and award the appropriate penalties and costs.[28] Therefore, two steps are required for NEDC to recover an award in the current litigation, and the litigation costs of the current action is the only real loss imposed by solely pursuing the challenge. Furthermore, considering the complexity of the current appeal, particularly with respect to jurisdiction, pursuing a challenge then refiling would likely be cleaner, if not simpler.[29]

3. Continuing the Current Action

NEDC has chosen to pursue the current action before the Supreme Court.[30] The action will either be dismissed and remanded, as NEDC requested at oral arguments, or ruled on the merits.[31] If the Supreme Court follows NEDC's recommendation and dismisses the suit as improvidently granted, remanding it to the Ninth Circuit, the private defendants will remain involved in the litigation.[32] Consequently, the potential for monetary recovery would also remain, and NEDC could recover its litigation costs and have civil penalties assessed, following a favorable merits ruling. Similarly, if the Supreme Court rules in NEDC's favor on the merits, the group should eventually realize its requested relief, including penalties and costs. If, however, the Court finds for Petitioners, no relief will be possible because NEDC would not have prevailed.[33] In any event, this option keeps potential litigation cost reimbursement alive, unlike the other two.

D. Conclusion

As demonstrated above, continuing to pursue the current litigation is NEDC's only avenue to recover its costs.[34] While completely dropping the suit will not promote any of NEDC's goals, solely pursuing the challenge before the Ninth Circuit would.[35] It allows the group to protect the environment and the Pacific West's natural resources, and, through another lawsuit, could result in receiving the requested relief.[36] Furthermore, given the current appeal's interlocutory nature, this bifurcated approach would not produce any greater litigation.[37] In fact, this option may clear up some complex issues, such as jurisdiction, and lead to cleaner litigation.[38] Instead, however, NEDC has chosen to continue the current appeal, notably the only option for recouping its litigation costs.[39] Thus, a substantial factor in NEDC's decision to continue litigating the action currently before the Supreme Court appears to be monetary. Instead of taking the simpler challenge routes, the group has chosen to unnecessarily prolong complex litigation in hopes of forcing its opponent to foot mounting legal bills. This clear evidence of greed is certainly an uncomfortable reality for an environmental group who would likely be quick to condemn the corporate defendants as malicious profiteers, selfishly subjecting the environment for their own personal gain.


[1] 33 U.S.C. §1365; First Amended Complaint, Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 476 F.Supp.2d 1188 (2007) (No. 06-1270-KI), 2006 WL 3241715.

[2] Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 640 F.3d 1063, 1068 (9th Cir. 2011),



, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 133 S.Ct. 22, 133 S.Ct. 23 (2012).

[3] 33 U.S.C. § 1342; Brown, 640 F.3d at 1070, 1087.

[4] Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 640 F.3 1063 (9th Cir. 2011) (No. 11-338), 2011 WL 4352279 (U.S.); Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Georgia-Pacific West, Inc. v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 640 F.3d 1063 (9th Cir. 2011) (No. 11-347), 2011 WL 4352287 (U.S.);

Doug Decker Selected as New Organ State Forester

Oregon Department of Forestry, (last visited Jan. 11, 2013).

[5] Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 133 S.Ct. 22 (2012); Georgia-Pacific West, Inc. v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 133 S.Ct. 23 (2012).

[6] Revisions to Stormwater Regulations To Clarify That an NPDES Permit Is Not Required for Stormwater Discharges From Logging Roads, 77 F.R. 72970-01 (2012).



 Oral Argument Transcript, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, (Nos. 11-338, 11-347),

available at

[8] 33 U.S.C. §1396(b); 5 U.S.C. §551; 

Fed. R. App. P. 

15(a); Petition for Review and Corporate Disclosure Statement, Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Jackson, No. 13-70057, at 2 (9th Cir. 2013),

available at

[9] 33 U.S.C. § 1369(b)(1) (requiring challenges to regulations promulgated under the CWA to be challenged within 120 days of signing by the EPA Administrator);


 at 3.

[10] Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 270 at 28:24-29:2.

[11] Oral Argument Transcript, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, (Nos. 11-338, 11-347) at 29:3-7,

available at

[12] Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11 at 29:7-10. 

[13] Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11 at 29:11-13.

[14] Oral Argument  Transcript,


 note 11 at 29:13-21.

[15] Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11 at 39:22-40:1.

[16] Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11 at 29:22-30:2. 


Lewis & Clark Law School: Northwest Environmental Defense Center, (last visited Jan. 20, 2013).

[18] First Amended Complaint at VII: A-H, Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 476 F.Supp.3d 1188 (D. Or. 2007) (No. 06-1270-KI), 2006 WL 3241715.

[19] 33 U.S.C. §1365(d). 

[20] 33 U.S.C. 1319(d); Friends of the Earth v. Archer Daniels Miland Co., 780 F.Supp. 95, 101 (N.D. NY 1992).





 Part B.



 Northwest Environmental Defense Center website,


 note 17.



 First Amended Complaint,


 note 1.

[24] 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319(d), 1365(d).



 Petition for Review and Corporate Disclosure Statement, Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Jackson, No. 13-70057, (9th Cir. 2013),

available at

[26] 33 U.S.C. § 1369(b)(3).



 Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11, at 30; Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 640 F.3d 1063, 1068 (9th Cir. 2011),

cert granted

, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 133 S.Ct. 22, 133 S. Ct. 23 (2012).

[28] Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11 at 23:3-18.



 Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 640 F.3d 1063, 1068 (9th Cir. 2011),

cert granted

, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 133 S.Ct. 22, 133 S.Ct. 23 (2012); Brief for Petitioners, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, (No. 11-338), 2012 WL 3755626 (2012); Brief for Respondents, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, (Nos. 11-338, 11-347), 2012 WL 4810210 (2012); Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Supporting Petitioners, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, (Nos. 11-338, 11-347), 2012 WL 3864278 (2012).





 Part B.





 Part B;

also see

 Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11 at 18-28 (Arguments by Malcolm L. Stewart, arguing for the United States as amicus curiae in support of Petitioners, in favor of mootness was met with little enthusiasm by the Court, suggesting a dismissal for mootness is unlikely).



 Oral Argument Transcript,


 note 11.

[33] 33 U.S.C. § 1365(d).





 Part C:3.





 Parts C:1 & C:2.





 Part C:2. 





 Part C:2.





 Part C:2.





 Part C:3.