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State and Federal Budget Cuts to Harm Conservation Districts

State and Federal Budget Cuts to Harm Conservation Districts

On January 16, 2018, the Office of the State Budget Director in Kentucky published the Executive Budget for the 2018–2020 fiscal years. Included in the budget is the elimination of seventy state-funded programs, one of which is Direct Aid to Kentucky’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs). Rowlett says that Direct Aid is necessary to fund district initiatives like technical assistance to landowners with Agricultural Water Quality Plans, funding for Envirothon teams, and other educational endeavors that help fulfill the districts’ conservation mission.

The ELD Mandate Does Not Significantly Impact Horse Owners

The ELD Mandate Does Not Significantly Impact Horse Owners

Contrary to recent social media panic, the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate will not significantly impact horse owners. Only drivers that are already required to log their driving records under hours-of-service (HOS) and records of duty status (RODS) requirements will be impacted by the ELD mandate.

Repealing Rapanos: Shrinking the Clean Water Act’s Jurisdiction

Repealing Rapanos: Shrinking the Clean Water Act’s Jurisdiction

It is not often that a criminal appeal can change the face of American environmental law and change the jurisdiction of major environmental legislation. This is why anyone concerned with ecological diversity or clean water ought to be watching closely for the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision in United States v. Hughes. In particular, it may greatly decrease the regulatory scope of the Clean Water Act, which controls the discharge of pollutants into the “navigable waters” of the United States.

Balancing Religion with Animal Rights Laws: How the Legal World Has Addressed the Topic of Animal Sacrifice

Balancing Religion with Animal Rights Laws: How the Legal World Has Addressed the Topic of Animal Sacrifice

When religion and law are in conflict, what which takes precedent? This question has plagued nations since the dawn of democracy, but not necessarily the dawn of time, as Dan Murphy explained in his recent article on the topic. Murphy noted that unlike ancient monarchies or dictatorships, most modern democracies vow to separate church and state. This separation of religion and democracy has fostered disagreement and tension between people’s beliefs across a wide variety of topicsissues. One such of those topics issue is animal sacrifice.